Safety Blog

Safety Blog
News stories and commentary for PCF members dedicated to maintaining a safe environment, increasing safety consciousness, and reducing accidents and incidents. Member comments and input is always welcome and encouraged. If you have something you think should be shared with the PCF community or any other input or suggestions please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Thank You and Fly Safe
Pacific Coast Flyers
6 degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon by John Stewart
In 400 hours of flying over 40 years as a pilot I have had only 1 or 2 degrees of separation from 4 fuel mismanagement incident/accidents. Score: 2 dead, 1 maimed, 3 walked away.
Read more: 6 degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon by John Stewart
Safe 2 Share: A case of get-home-itis
I flew out to Lake Havasu (KHII) from Corona (KAJO) on one very hot summer day as a newly-rated 17 year old pilot. After being there later than I expected, the group I met there and I came back to the airport at night. During the preflight I decided that I would not feel comfortable heading back to Corona on the fuel that I had in the tanks. A CFI who was there with me insisted I was fine and told me just go, but I was too weary. It was after the fuel station's operating hours and they would only come out to assist for a hefty fee. This 172 was 80/87 octane approved however, so we ended up driving to the nearest gas station and filling up one 5-gallon fuel can to bring back to the plane. I really wanted two, but I digress. We fueled up the plane, I completed my preflight, and I was on my way, along with a passenger who decided last second to fly home with me instead of the CFI.
Safe 2 Share: The oil pressure went to zero
This accident was 30 years ago, but I still remember it like it was yesterday. The plane was a Beech Debonair (straight tail Bonanza), the weather was about 1000 ft overcast, rain and about 3 Miles visibility, tops around 7 thousand. Destination: Mexicali, Mexico and then Mulege Baja. My passengers were my wife and two sons; Two and a half and three and a half years old. The clearance: IFR to VFR on top, maintain runway heading, if not on top at seven, maintain and advise. At around six thousand five hundred, I was still in the clouds when I heard a loud noise, similar to ice in a blender.
Safe 2 Share: Tail winds on takeoff
Safe-To-Share. Number 2
Below is the secondin a series of short stories generously sent to us by club member Franck Valles. I call these stories safe-to-share because we want folks to feel safe sharing these very valuable lessons that we can all benefit and learn from. By the way, a “near miss” just means a close call. It does not necessarily mean a true near miss.
Here’s our story: